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Common Causes Of Sciatic Nerve Pains

Sciatic nerve pain describes pain along the large sciatic nerve that runs from the lower back down to each leg. With sciatic nerve pains, the magnitude of the pain is usually unpredictable. It is also surprising that many people are ussually not aware that they are suffering from this condition untill its very late. To shed some light on this medical condition, here are some symptoms related to sciatic nerve pains.

Symptoms of sciatic nerve pains

A sharp pain emanating from the back of the thigh and the legs disabilities illustration characterize sciatic nerve pains. Notably, the pain can restrict movement, as it can either be intolerable and debilitating. However, for some individuals, the pain is not acute. Hence, their daily routines continue as usual. To add on this, some people may experience the pain in the foot and toes. Along with pain, numbness and a burning sensation may characterize this condition.

Causes of sciatic nerve pain

Herniated disc in the back

Herniated disc describes cracks or tears along a disc in the spine. Massive wear and tear of the disc develop spinal problems that later cause the sciatica pain. Herniated disc in return impair passage of chemical messages to the limbs thus the material in the disc leaks out. Consequently, this leads to irritation of the nerve root causing pain. This is the leading cause of sciatic nerve pain.

Degenerative disc disease

Sciatic nerve pain because of degenerative disc disease is common amongst the old. Disc degeneration is a natural part of aging. In some individuals, one or more degenerated disc in the lower back irritates the nerve root causing pain. For some individuals, a weakened disc may result to excessive micro-motion at the spinal causing exposure of inflammatory proteins, which irritate the nerve root in that area.

Lumbar spinal stenosis

boy with Spinal stenosisSpinal stenosis describes the narrowing of the spinal canal. Spinal stenosis is brought about by an overgrowth of soft tissues and a bulging disc placing pressure on the nerve root. Consequently, this may lead to sciatica pain. Moreover, lumbar spinal stenosis occurs as a result of spinal arthritis. This can contribute to sciatic symptoms.

Forward dislocation of the vertebrae

Forward dislocation of the vertebrae occurs when vertebral body slips forward on another due to a small stress fracture and disc plate collapse. Once the two act at a together the nerves get pinched causing sciatic pains.…