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people doing exercise on Elliptical machine 11

The Major Benefits of an Elliptical Machine

There are numerous kinds of workout equipment on the market today, and every producer declares their item is the best. I have tried many of them personally, and I keep coming back to the elliptical machine being the top piece of equipment. There are a few reasons for this, so I believed I would let you know what I think the top benefits are.

woman using Elliptical machine Great for all Levels of Fitness

Let me ask you, exactly what is the most difficult part of beginning an exercise program? Many workout programs are too extreme for beginners. What an elliptical machine will certainly allow is an easy and light exercise to get an individual accustomed to the workout routine. Even if the program is only 5 minutes a day to start, this device is the best device to get you going. There is no warm up required, you just get on and begin your stride.

All the designs have handles that step along with the stride of your legs to provide a more natural sensation, sort of like strolling on air, but you do not need to use them. They also come with fixed handles too, and some of the higher end ellipticals have a heart rate screen built into those handles. Now you are probably thinking why can’t I simply walk on a treadmill, or perhaps outdoors? Sure that is an alternative, but that brings me to the second point about why this is one of the best pieces of exercise devices you can own, it is easy on the body.

Easy on the Body

Stating that an exercise device is easy on the body is contradictory in a sense. Many individuals see woman using Elliptical machine 2exercise as being tough on an individual. While this is true, workout is implied to produce health, not discomfort or pain. When I say an elliptical machine is easy on the body, I am particularly suggesting that it is a low, or perhaps a non-impact activity. Think of what takes place when you walk. Walking alone puts 2 to 3 times your body weight on your hips, knees, and ankles. If you are carrying around additional pounds that you are attempting to shed, your knees will give way long before you lose the weight. I understand, I have been there and have had knee pain starting during the very first week of my program. When I changed to an elliptical machine, your feet never leave the foot platforms. Your feet rotate like a bicycle, but with a much larger stride depending on the device you are using. Your arms chug backward and forward on the handles if you decide to hold them. In general a few of the best aerobic exercises, I have ever had are on an elliptical machine.…